21 ene 2013

Reconocimiento de la TV de China a Grand Master Chen Xiaowang por promover la cultura de su país internacionalmente

El año pasado la TV China abrió una convocatoria para que el público chino e internacional votara por la personalidad que más a promovido la cultura de la República Popular de China internacionalmente, Gran Master Chen Xiaowang obtuvo el segundo lugar con 350 000 votos de todo el mundo, hay que recordar que el maestro tiene estudiantes en más de 50 países en Asia, Europa, América y Oceanía.
Es intención de éste Blog compartir información en español y/o traducciones de otros idiomas, pero hoy haremos una excepción y compartimos la noticia del reconocimiento, primero a través de la notificación que envió Chris Jones de Inglaterra a "www.taijicircle.com". También compartimos el enlace de Examiner.com
Esperamos que disfruten la noticia.

 Union Instructor Chris Jones sent us this news:
We would like to offer our personal congratulations to Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang from Liu Quan Jun, Chris, and all the students of Tai Ji Circle!
Tai Chi Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang has come second place in the China Beacon award as one of the top ten Chinese artists promoting Chinese culture throughout the world, with approximately 350,000 votes. The award ceremony was shown on China Central Television (CCTV 1) on 17 January 2013. There was six months from nomination to final awards decision and the candidates ranged from a well known chef to movie stars.
Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang is the lineage heir of the Chen family Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) and is a renowned practitioner with supreme martial skills having achieved 9th Duan, one of only very few to reach the highest level. He dedicates his life to the promotion of Chen-style Taijiquan by teaching and training students all over the world in some 50 different countries. We are extremely fortunate here in the UK, to be able to benefit from his time and the generous sharing of his expertise during his annual visits.
Tai Ji Circle students with thousands of other international students and disciples voted for him, we all really wanted him to win! During the CCTV ceremony film clips of his teaching were shown and he led 30 students through the opening movements of Laojia Yi Lu, the traditional Chen long form, before the speeches and finally receiving his award. Grandmaster Chen was asked why he promotes Tai Ji, he replied that "Tai Ji helps Qi and blood circulation as well as emotional balance. It is a mind, body and spirit regimen."
As one of his many students watching the broadcast award ceremony, I found it very moving to see him receive this great honour, a deserved recognition and reward for his selfless dedication to a lifetime's work in sharing with us the life-changing benefits and joy of Chen-style Taijiquan practice.
Chris Jones

El link para profundizar en la información, es el del Examiner.com